Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"The Power of the Press": Time for Kids, February 5, 2010

Read the article "The Power of the Press". Examine the photo at the top right of page 6. What is the mood of this photo? Why was this photo taken? What was its purpose? Do you think it was effective? Why or why not?


  1. I think it is unfiar how people treated dark people and I think we still could treat them a little better. I think the mood in this photo is sad because Ionly see one kid smiling and it is more like a grin. I think the purpose of this picture was to tell people how mean we were to black people. I also think that the situation is kind of like the book Esperanze Rising because they did not treat her very well either.

  2. The mood of the photo was sad and intence. I think the photo was taken to show some people how to treat African Americans the way you'd want to be treated. I think the photo was very effective,becase it taught us to be nice to people that look different from ourselves.

  3. The mood is scared and nervous. It was taken to show how americans treated african americans. I think the purpose was to try to get americans to see how to treat them and that they were equal to white people. I think it was effective because it makes you feel sad and not want to treat people poorly.

  4. I think the mood is sad ,and scary. I think the photo was effective because it has a lot to do with the article ,and it makes you want to treat people very kindly,and equaly.

  5. I think the mood is scared and nervous.I think it was very effective and it taught us how sad these people were and they were not any different from white people.It also taught us to treat them equally.

  6. I think the mood is sad and nervous.I think the picture is very effective and it taught us how sad black people were about the way they were being treated and to treat people the way we want to be treated.

  7. I think the mood in this picture is sad and gloomy. I think the photo was taken because it will show people in the future how people who were colored were treated differently and worse then to day. It might have been effective because it probably helped people like Martin Luther King Jr. give speeches.

  8. It feels very sad to me. Because white people, are shouting at the black people in the picture. Then if I was in that picture I would have been so sad to be in that position as the black people.

  9. The mood of this pictur is sad, regretful and disipountful, because it is sad that we treated aferican amaricans so poorly snd disipointful and regretful for the same resons.I think the photo was taken to make us regeret what how terrible we treated the aferican amaricans.It was effective to show us why we shuold treat them better.They did not do anything to us, so why would we treat them uneven?

  10. I think the mood is very sad. I think the poto wastaken because pepole were not treated very equlay. Its so powerful it shows you to treat pepole very kindley.

  11. the mood was nervous and upset. i think the photo was taken to show that black people were not treated fairly. i think it was effective because it shows that the children were unhappy and not secure in this world; nobody should be treated like this.
