Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Calling All Poets!": Time for Kids, January 22, 2010

Read through this issue of Time for Kids. Definitely read "Earthquake Rocks Haiti" on p. 2 since we just talked about that yesterday.

Then, read "Calling All Poets!" on p. 2-3. I think you are all so funny and creative; this is perfect for you! Write a funny, rhyming poem on the blog tonight. Maybe later you can revise and publish your poem so we can submit it to the contest!


  1. Theres a monster in my chair
    It looks like a big hairy bear
    I didn't even care
    until...chomp, chomp, snap,
    he ate my rollerscates and cap
    while I took a nap

  2. When I am skiing somtimes I fall and look like a snow ball my skies fall off and I cough then I do an easier run and eat a hot dog bun and for the rest of the day I have lots of fun.

  3. I like to nap,
    after i eat some sap.
    then on my phone i buy an app.
    i love to map Africa
    on my monkey's lap.
    then i take a take another nap.

  4. You're going to the store
    to get some more
    of my favorite stuff.
    If I don't get it you're in a tuff
    I know the road is ruff
    but you're tuff enough.

  5. Your going out to shop
    and your never going to stop
    your going to get a pot
    and a shirt with a bunch of dots
    you think your about to drop
    and then you stop

  6. Dogs are Eviel
    Dogs are mean my dog through my hw
    out the

  7. There's a mouse
    in my house
    there's a bat
    in my hat
    and there's a kangaroo
    in my shoe
    and I don't know
    where they want to go
    but they're all following you
    to Timbuctu.

  8. There is a horse in my house
    there is a dog in my bed
    there is a bat in my shirt
    there is a hippo in my bathtub
    and there is a rhino in my plants
    and they're following me OH NO!

  9. there is a shark in my bed
    he will eat my lark
    while i go to the park

  10. there is a puck headed at my head....
    as I see it approach I have much dread...
    But out of no where my glove appears...
    and suddenly I lose my fear

  11. I was in my bed when the shed fell down so I bumped my head and wet my bed and I did not wake up in the morning!

  12. I went to school
    and I ran into a pool
    my car went far
    down the street
    then I got out and walked with my feet
    I was almost there
    but then my hair
    got stuck on a tree
    and I fell on my knees
    then I got to school
    and lucky me there was no pool.

  13. Damian Ray
    likes to say
    i love my hair i love my hair
    but he lost it to a chair
    the chair was very proud
    but Damian Ray could yell very loud
    the chair ran away
    but all that he could say was ninkompoop
    by that time the chair was covered in goop
    and the hair was tangled in a loop
    the story does not finish here
    or else it would go on for a year
    but would you like to here the rest
    it might not be the best
    but ok here i go
    Damian Ray never got his hair back
    and so he got the sack
    his boss was very mad
    but he was very sad
    gotta fly
    so bye

  14. Damian Ray
    likes to say
    i love my hair i love my hair
    but he lost it to a chair
    the chair was very proud
    but Damian Ray could yell very loud
    the chair ran away
    but all that he could say was ninkompoop
    by that time the chair was covered in goop
    and the hair was tangled in a loop
    the story does not finish here
    or else it would go on for a year
    but would you like to hear the rest
    it might not be the best
    but ok here i go
    Damian Ray never got his hair back
    and so he got the sack
    his boss was very mad
    but he was very sad
    gotta fly
    so bye
