These words are from Christopher Columbus's journal. He wrote them about the first meeting of Europeans and Native Americans. Write your thoughts about his journal entry, especially the last few sentences. Think about adding ideas about respect for other cultures and open-mindedness.
So that they might be very friendly toward us...I gave to one of them red caps and glass beads which they hung on their necks, and many other things of little value...Later, they came swimming to the ship's boats where we were. They brought to us: parrots, balls of cotton thread, wooden spears, and many other things...Some paint themselves a blackish color...Some paint themselves white, some red...They are generally of good stature, fine appearances and well built...They ought to be good servants...and would easily become Christians because it seemed to me they belonged to no creed (religion).
--Friday, October 12, 1492
I think that Christopher wants to make them slaves and wants their land. He is not very generous but the "Indians" are.In a way he is greedy.
ReplyDeleteI think it was nice for Columbus to give gifts to the Native Americans,but it is not nice to make them servants.
ReplyDeleteI think Chris is trying to find new things by trading but it is crazy to make people your servants
ReplyDeletewithout being their king or something or making them sign a contract.He was a little selfish i agree with you curtis it is not very nice to say they would make nice servants he should put himself in their shoes and try living as an indian or a servant.
Really i like chris a bit because he is European like me
ReplyDeleteI think Columbus wants their land. He was not very generous but the " Indians" were. He mabey wants it because he thnks they will give it to hm if he battles them or be generous back. Or mabey he just does not want the land and just wants to be greedy.
ReplyDeleteIt is also that he wants servents but that is crazy!
ReplyDeleteWhy would Chris want to take the Indians land if the Indians are be generous to him by giving him spears, beads and other things? I think it was nice that Chris gave them gifts but he not nice that he would want them as servants.
ReplyDeleteI think Chris was nice to give them stuff.I think they were nice by giving him stuff.
ReplyDeleteWhat I don't understand is why does he want to make them slaves if they were nice to him.
He is crazy for making them slaves.
He doesn't seem nice.I really hope he doesn't do it.Indians aren't bad people.
I think that Christopher Columbus is not planning to be friends and treat the "native americans" very nicely. I think by what his letter said he wants there land and he wants them as servants. And for what they gave him that was a big deal back then so I would have been nice to them. He also said that they seemed nice so I don't get why he would not be nice back.
ReplyDeletei don't think Columbus was very nice because he wanted the so-called indians as his slaves and it also was really mean to think you can just stumble upon a new place and start boossing them around and forcing them to change religions. they were nice to him. they gave him presents!
ReplyDeletealso he was greedy cause he thought hey im gonna stealthis new land i found
ReplyDeleteI think Christifor columbus was greety and wanted their land.
ReplyDeleteI think that Chris is being mean! The indians where being friendly and he just came and wanted to in slave them!!! (and of course he wanted to take their land!!)
ReplyDeleteHe is a bit crazy!
ReplyDeleteI think Chris is trying to make them there slaves. I think he is a bit CRAZY and greety.I don't think he should make them slaves if the " Indian" are giving them presents.I think who ever raised him. I think they were a bit mean to him. I think he sould not take there land if the " Indians" were living peacfuly and Chris wants to take there nice living into boring mean slavery by Chris or any body that came with him! I don't want Chris totell other pepole that lived there because of other" Indians" that live other places in the world. I think Chris is DOING THE WRONG THING! I don't think the " Indians" would want to becme Catolic because they don't know about god. They only know thire god in fariy tales!
ReplyDeleteI think it was nice of him to give them nice things and for them to give him nice things but he is crazy for wanting to make them slaves. I think he is greedy for wanting to take there land! He is also mean because from what he wrote in the letter I think he was pretending to be nice but really was trying to take their land.
ReplyDeleteI think Columbus is a greedy pig.He just gives them cheap stuff to make him seem nice.The Indians will be pretty mad when they find out he just was nice because he wanted to take their land and make them into slaves.He is INSANE!!!
ReplyDeleteI link chris is greedy and he just wants to make the indians slaves so he can make money for himself and his country.