Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Calling All Poets!": Time for Kids, January 22, 2010

Read through this issue of Time for Kids. Definitely read "Earthquake Rocks Haiti" on p. 2 since we just talked about that yesterday.

Then, read "Calling All Poets!" on p. 2-3. I think you are all so funny and creative; this is perfect for you! Write a funny, rhyming poem on the blog tonight. Maybe later you can revise and publish your poem so we can submit it to the contest!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"The Tourtoise and the Solar Plant": Time for Kids January 15, 2010

Read the article on p. 6 "The Tortoise and the Solar Plant". This is a really difficult decision! Do you think they should build the solar plant or not? Explain why or why not including several reasons.